ðSpecial room!ð For Rent Condo KNIGHTSBRIDGE COLLAGE SUKHUMVIT 107 Building 1, Floor 18,1 bed room, Room size 25.00 sqm
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11,000/ month
Knights Bridge Collage Sukhumvit 107 Muang Samut Prakarn Samut Prakarn -
Listing Detail
Type 1 bedroom
Floor 18, Room size 25.00 sq. meter
1 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom
Building 1
- Furnitures
- Air conditioner
- Digital lockdoor
- TV
- Refrigerator
- Water Heater
- Electric Stove
- Cooker Hood
- Washing Machine
- Microwave
2 months deposit, 1 month advance
Minimum contract 1 year
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Department store
- Samrong Market: 1.1 km
- Imperial Samrong: 1.3 km
- Samrong Center: 1.3 km
- The Coast Village: 1.7 km
- La Salle Fresh Market: 2.2 km
- Bangkok Mall (in the future): 2.3 km
- Duangphloi Market: 2.4 km
- Bitec Bangna: 2.4 km
- Lasalle Square Shopping Center: 4.7 km
- Central Bangna: 5.0 km
- Big C Bangna: 5.1 km
- SB Design Square: 6.0 km
- Chic Republic: 6.7 km
- Index Living Mall: 6.8 km
- Paradise Park: 7.9 km
- Seacon Square: 8.7 km
- Mega Bangna: 10.9 km
- Ikea Bangna: 11.5 km
place of education
- St. Andrews International School: 190 m.
- Bangkok Patana School: 2.9 km
- Sen. Joseph Bangna School: 3.0 km
- La Salle School: 4.0 km
- Bangkok University: 8.3 km
Medical center
- Manarom Hospital: 1.1 km
- Bangna Hospital 1: 5.0 km
- Sikarin Hospital: 5.6 km
- Thai Nakarin Hospital: 5.6 km
Government offices and other agencies
- Samrong Nuea Police Station: 1.8 km
Places of worship and others
- Center Point Entertainment: 750 m.
- APT Parking: 800 m
- Erawan Museum: 3.8 km
Listing Information
- Knights Bridge Collage Sukhumvit 107
11,000/ month
- Please call
- Please call
- 1 Bedroom
- 18
- 1 Bed
- 1 Bath
- 25
- Room amenities
- Project Facilities
Muang Samut Prakarn Samut Prakarn
99 listings for rent
25 listings for sale
View project details
Listings for rent in Knights Bridge Collage Sukhumvit 107
- Condo For rent Knightsbridge Collage sukhumvit 107, 1bedroom, Fully Furnished, Line ID: @ppagent1 bed34m2xx fl.āļŋ13,000/monthUPDATE !
- ðĨ°For RentðKnightsbridge collage skv 107(Line:@rent2022), Beautiful room, Good price and Ready to move in!!1 bed29.9m210 fl.āļŋ11,000/monthUPDATE !
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- DL24120013 Condo for rent, KNIGHTSBRIDGE COLLAGE SUKHUMVIT107 near BTS Bearing, ready to move in, call urgently 0638692663 LineID 06386926631 bed25m221 fl.āļŋ12,000/monthNEW !
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- ðĐBest room!ðĐ For Rent Condo KNIGHTSBRIDGE COLLAGE SUKHUMVIT 107 Building 1, Floor 18,1 bed room, Room size 25.00 sqm1 bed25m218 fl.āļŋ11,000/monthNEW !
- ðĐ For rent, Knightsbridge Collage Sukhumvit 107, 1 bedroom, 9th floor, near Imperial Samrong.1 bed29m29 fl.āļŋ12,400/monthUPDATE !
- ð For Rent Condo KNIGHTSBRIDGE COLLAGE SUKHUMVIT 107 Building 1, Floor 11,1 BED PLUS, Room size 33.00 sqm1 bed33m211 fl.āļŋ15,000/monthUPDATE !
- ð For Rent Condo KNIGHTSBRIDGE COLLAGE SUKHUMVIT 107 Building 1, Floor 12,1 bed room, Room size 29.00 sqm1 bed29m212 fl.āļŋ13,000/monthUPDATE !
- ð For Rent Condo KNIGHTSBRIDGE COLLAGE SUKHUMVIT 107 Building 1, Floor 14,Studio, Room size 25.00 sqm1 bed25m214 fl.āļŋ10,000/monthUPDATE !
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