The Emporio Place Sukhumvit 24 I BTS Phromphong I Shocking Priceð The Best in Market Right Now! ð Duplex Lover I #HL #202407287270
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89,000/ month
The Emporio Place Khlong Toei Bangkok -
Listing Detail
Shocking Priceð The Best in Market Right Now! ðNice Room and Decoration ð
Duplex Lover, more private with bedroom on upstairs, Big Living room and Big kitchen 2bedroom 3bathroom 1workroomÂ
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Listing Information
- The Emporio Place
89,000/ month
- 2 month
- 1 month
- 3 Bedroom
- 7
- 3 Bed
- 3 Bath
- 135
- Room amenities
- Project Facilities
Khlong Toei Bangkok
318 listings for rent
130 listings for sale
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Listings for rent in The Emporio Place
- Comes with a location in the heart of the city, The Emporio Place, near BTS PHROM PHONG, able to live your life at the same time.3 bed161m2- fl.āļŋ80,000/monthUPDATE !
- Large condo in the middle of the city, surrounded by complete amenities, THE EMPORIO PLACE Sukhumvit 24, near BTS Phrom Phong.1 bed65m2- fl.āļŋ50,000/monthUPDATE !
- Condo in the heart of the city, convenient travel, The Emporio Place, near BTS Phrom Phong station2 bed105m233 fl.āļŋ60,000/monthUPDATE !
- Large condo in the middle of the city, surrounded by complete amenities, THE EMPORIO PLACE Sukhumvit 24, near BTS Phrom Phong1 bed65m2- fl.āļŋ50,000/monthUPDATE !
- The Emporio Place is decorated with a mix of western and eastern design.1 bed65m2- fl.āļŋ45,000/monthUPDATE !
- The Emporio Place is decorated with a mix of western and eastern design, near BTS Phrom Phong.1 bed65m2- fl.āļŋ50,000/monthUPDATE !
- Large condo in the middle of the city, surrounded by complete amenities, THE EMPORIO PLACE Sukhumvit 24, near BTS Phrom Phong2 bed101m2- fl.āļŋ50,000/monthUPDATE !
- BEST DEALðĪĐ For RentðThe Emporio Place (Line:@rent2022), Beautiful room with Good price and Ready to move in!!1 bed65m218 fl.āļŋ32,000/monthUPDATE !
- BEST DEALðĪĐ For RentðThe Emporio Place (Line:@rent2022), Beautiful room with Good price and Ready to move in!!1 bed65m216 fl.āļŋ35,000/monthUPDATE !
- Best price ðâĻThe Emporia Place (Line:@rent2022) Good price and Ready to move in!!2 bed104m217 fl.āļŋ67,000/monthUPDATE !
- Special room ð The Emporio Place (Line:@rent2022) Good price and Ready to move in1 bed83m228-29 fl.āļŋ55,000/monthUPDATE !
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